Watching your sweet Labrador puppy sleep can be one of the most adorable sights to behold, but it can be a little annoying when he starts snoring loudly like a train. Sometimes, it can point to a bigger health problem. Even if your puppy’s snoring appears harmless, it’s best to get to the root of this habit before it becomes worse.
Your Labrador puppy may snore if he is obese. If you can’t feel his ribs without pressing hard, his weight may be the cause of his snoring. Helping your dog lose the extra fat can put a stop to snoring. Other causes may be allergies, dental problems, or his sleeping position.
In this article, I’ll first investigate whether it is normal for your lab puppy to snore. I’ll then explain a few reasons why your dog is snoring and how to help him stop it.
Question Discussed In This Article
- Why Does Your Labrador Puppy Snore?
- Is It Normal for Labrador Puppies To Snore?
- How To Stop Your Labrador Puppy From Snoring
Table of Contents
Is It Normal for Labrador Puppies To Snore?
The short answer to this question is no. Labradors should not be associated with snoring because they are non-brachycephalic dogs.
Your dog is more likely to snore if it is brachycephalic. Let me break it down for you a little.
The term “brachycephalic” itself means shortened skull. The length of a brachycephalic dog’s skull is short down from the back of his head to the tip of his muzzle.
Brachycephalic or “flat-faced” breeds have a shorter snout, which results in less room for air to travel in and out of their airways.
Besides having a shorter snout, these dogs have an elongated soft palate covering the larynx’s opening more than it should.
They also have a narrow windpipe, a condition known as tracheal stenosis, that restricts breathing and airflow.
Some of the breeds that fit this description are the French Bulldog, Pug, English Bulldog, Dogue De Bordeaux, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu, Boxer, and Chow Chow.
These dogs suffer from a range of breathing problems, including snorting, mouth breathing, snoring, noisy breathing, and difficulty panting during exercise.
A Labrador is certainly not brachycephalic. It has different physical characteristics with a pointed head, broad skull, full-length muzzle, big nose, and well-developed nostrils.
These features mean that your Labrador should not have any breathing problems that come with a shortened muzzle, enlarged soft palate, or narrow nostrils.
So, why does yours snore? I’ll answer this question in the next section.
Why Does Your Labrador Puppy Snore?
If your Labrador puppy is snoring, it’s most likely due to an obstruction in his nasal passage or nostrils.
This obstruction results in airway constriction and produces the vibrating sound you hear when your dog sleeps.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why your Labrador puppy is snoring.
Sleeping Position

Just like human beings, the way your dog sleeps can affect the flow of air in and out of his nasal passage.
Some dogs enjoy sleeping on their backs to relax their muscles and regulate their body temperature.
However, when a dog sleeps on his back, his tongue can flip back into his throat and partially block air movement.
So, if your Labrador puppy is snoring, it might be because of his sleeping position.
Obesity is one of the most common causes of snoring in dogs. If your Labrador puppy is overweight, excess fat can collect in the throat area and partially obstruct his airways.
This obstruction or narrowing of his airways may cause a snoring sound when he sleeps.
To know if your dog is fat, start by looking at his body shape from above. If he appears oval-shaped or plump, he’s probably overweight.
Another common way to check if your dog is obese is to feel his ribs. If you can’t feel them without pressing down hard, you need to help him lose the extra fat.
Allergens in and around the house may also cause your lab’s snoring. He may suffer from allergies to substances like dust, perfume, second-hand smoke, and other environmental irritants.
Your dog may also bring allergens into the house when he goes out to play.
These substances can cause mucus build-up and nasal irritation, resulting in airway constriction and snoring.
You may also be impacting your dog’s quality of sleep if you smoke or live with someone who smokes.
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder in dogs that causes the thyroid gland to produce less thyroxine than it should.
Thyroxine is the hormone that controls metabolism, so a reduction in its level causes bodily functions to slow down. One of the first signs of this condition is snoring.
Labradors are one of the breeds that hypothyroidism mostly affects. If your dog has this disease, you may notice the following signs:
- Dullness or lethargy
- Weight gain
- Hair loss on his trunks, rear legs, and tail
- Dull, thin hair coat
- Flaky or scaling skin
- Slower heart rate
- Muscle loss
- Hyperpigmentation
This disease isn’t life-threatening for your dog, but it can worsen and affect his quality of life if left untreated.
Dental Problems
Decaying or abscessed teeth can also cause your dog to snore. If your dog has a teeth problem, it can cause swelling or growth in the oral cavity and block his airways.
If left untreated, an infection in the teeth can spread to other parts of his body and cause more severe health problems.
Some medications such as pain relievers and muscle relaxants can have an over-relaxing effect on your lab’s throat and tongue muscles and cause him to snore.
If your dog is currently on medication, check with your vet to know if it’s the cause of his snoring.
If the medicine is the cause of the snoring, you’ll have to endure the noise until he completes it.
Physical Obstruction
If your dog only just started snoring recently, it could be due to something blocking his throat or nasal passages.
Sand, sticks, and other foreign objects can get lodged in his nose, windpipe, or throat area and cause temporary obstruction.
Snoring that results from physical obstruction may be accompanied by nasal discharge.
Besides physical objects, tumor growth in the nose or neck area can cause snoring. Usually, a trip to the vet is the best way to be sure.
How To Stop Your Labrador Puppy From Snoring
Whether your Labrador only snores softly or sounds like a woodchipper when sleeping, you need to know how to help him put a stop to it.
Here are a few things you can do to help your furry friend sleep better.
Talk to Your Vet
Some cases of snoring in dogs may be medically related. Conditions like hypothyroidism, abscessed tooth, nasal tumor, and obesity will need a vet’s diagnosis or attention.
It’s also the best option if you’re not sure what’s causing your dog’s snoring. The faster you act, the earlier you’ll restore your puppy’s sleep quality.
Help Your Dog Sleep Comfortably
If your Labrador puppy is snoring because of his sleeping position, provide him with a round bed to allow him to sleep in a curved or curled-up position.
This position helps to keep his airways wide open and lets him sleep more comfortably.
You can also get your dog a small pillow to raise his head up above his chest when sleeping.
If he still prefers sleeping on his back, try gently rolling him to a different position every day until he completely adjusts.
Placing a humidifier in your dog’s sleeping area can help keep moisture in the air and improve his breathing.
Develop a Weight Loss Plan for Your Lab
If your lab puppy is obese, talk to your vet about a weight loss plan. A dog weight loss plan will focus on reducing your dog’s calorie intake and increasing his physical activity.
Your vet can suggest the best weight loss approach for your lab puppy based on his current weight and any underlying health conditions.
Reduce Your Dog’s Exposure to Allergens
If you suspect your lab puppy is snoring due to allergies to certain substances, eliminate them immediately.
Be sure to keep your dog’s sleep area clean and wash his bedding and blankets often. Also, dust and vacuum the house regularly to reduce the level of allergens.
Bath your lab with hypoallergenic shampoo every time he goes to play outside and reduce his walks when pollen levels are high.
I recommend using the Pro Pet Works Hypoallergenic Shampoo and Conditioner as it is made of natural ingredients.
An anti-allergy cover can also help to eliminate dust mites buried in his bed. If your dog is sensitive to smoke, avoid smoking around him.
Final Thoughts
A Snoring lab puppy can be frustrating. Not only does it reduce your sleep, but it can also impact your dog’s quality of life and cause serious health concerns.
If your little lab is snoring, check with your vet to ensure it is not a result of any underlying health problems.
If your dog is obese, helping him lose weight can put a stop to snoring. You can also try changing his sleeping position, providing him with a round bed, adding a humidifier to his sleeping area, keeping his sleeping area clean, and regularly dusting and vacuuming the house.
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