What does kennel cough sound like in a Shih Tzu? A Shih Tzu who has kennel cough sounds like it has a persistent heart honking cough, a sudden dry hacking cough, sneezing, snorting, retching, gagging...
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Why does my shih tzu cry all the time? There are a number of reason your Shih Tzu cries or whines all the time which can include physical needs like they need to potty or hungry or is anxious about...
What To Do If My Shih Tzu Is Constipated And How To Treat It
What to do if my Shih tzu is constipated? There are a number of remedies you can use to relieve constipation fast for your Shih Tzu, including tinned pumpkins, Coconut oil and flax-seeds. If those...
How to stop my shih tzu puppy from biting. Getting a puppy is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. And you know what that means? Puppy biting. Desperate calls come in all the time...
How Often Should You Bathe A Shih Tzu? In general you don’t need to bathe your Shih Tzu all that often, you should give your Shih Tzu a bath every 3 to 4 weeks.
How Do I Clean My Shih Tzu Eyes? Cleaning your Shih Tzu's eyes can be done with some clean warm water, some sterile solution and some baby shampoo. Our simple step by step guide will run you through...