What Can Shih Tzu Eat And Not Eat? There are lots of things your Shih Tzu can and cannot eat so we put together a COMPREHENSIVE list of foods you should feed your dog and those you should avoid.
If you are part of the group of dog lovers who can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes at mealtimes, it’s important to know that you may be harming your pet by feeding it certain leftovers.
A dog is part of the family, but that doesn’t mean it can share all the food you eat because many foods are bad for dogs. The dietary needs of humans and dogs are different.
In fact, foods that are healthy for humans may not be healthy for dogs. A dog owner should know which human foods are harmful to a dog’s health.
Your job as an owner is to keep them healthy and to do that you must learn what types of food your dog should and shouldn’t eat.
We have put this guide together to help you through the myriad of advice you will find anywhere on the internet.
The Shih Tzu is a great dog to look after and you are in luck because when it comes to a healthy diet there isn’t much you need to exclude from their diet.
Shih Tzu Food List
To make it easier we have put together an extensive list of different types of dog food for your Shih Tzu, with an explanation of why each type of food would be either good or bad for your dog.
Click on any of the links in our Shih Tzu food list to go directly to our detailed explanation.
- Peanuts
- Yogurt
- Drink Milk
- Ice Cream
- Onions
- Macadamia Nuts
- Grapes
- Avocados
- Drink Alcohol
- Bacon
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Avocados
- Chocolate
- Bones
- Apples
- Tomatoes
- Cheese
- Cottage Cheese
- Cream Cheese
- String Cheese
- Swiss cheese
- Parmesan Cheese
- Goat Cheese
- Rice
- Eggs
- Tuna
- Vegetables
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Peanuts?
Can Shih Tzus Eat Peanuts? This is a great source of added protein and fiber for your pup and a tablespoon on their dry food is a surefire way to get them to eat it! Make sure to choose an all-natural peanut butter that does not contain the ingredient xylitol as it can be dangerous for pets.
Your Shih Tzu can eat Peanuts or peanut butter as is it has lots of added protein and fiber but you must make sure it is natural peanut butter that doesn’t contain Xylitol. Xylitol is very dangerous and can kill your dog in as little time as sixty minutes, and here’s why.
Why is Xylitol Toxic To Dogs?
For both humans and your Shih Tzu blood sugar is controlled by your Pancreas which releases Insulin . In humans, Xylitol doesn’t stimulate the Pancreas into releasing insulin but it does in dogs.
When insulin is released into your dog’s bloodstream it will result in a rapid drop in blood sugar which is almost guaranteed to be fatal, in fact, it can be as quick as sixty minutes and if not treated will kill your dog.
How Much Xylitol is Poisonous To a Dog?
Make no mistake, even a small dose of Xylitol can be very dangerous for your dog. Hypoglycemia can occur with as little as 50MG per pound of body weight of Xylitol being ingested and as Shih Tzu dogs are small it won’t take a great deal to cause major problems.
Not a lot of people know but some sugar-free gums contain Xylitol and even though it is quite small it can be dangerous so if you enjoy sugar-free gum don’t leave it lying around for your dog to chew on.
The dose of xylitol that can cause hypoglycemia in the dog has been reported between 50 milligrams (mg) of xylitol per pound of body weight (100 mg per kg).
The higher the dose ingested, the more the risk of liver failure. The most common source of xylitol poisoning that Pet Poison Helpline* gets calls about comes from sugar-free gum.
Some brands of gum contain fairly small amounts of xylitol, and it would take up to 9 pieces of gum to result in severe hypoglycemia in a 45 pound (20 kg) dog, while 45 pieces would need to be ingested to result in liver failure.
With other common brands of gum which contain 1 g/piece of gum, only 2 pieces would result in severe hypoglycemia, while 10 pieces can result in liver failure.
As there is a large range of xylitol in each different brand and flavor of gum, it is important to identify whether a toxic amount has been ingested.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Something Containing Xylitol?
If you find or you suspect that your dog has ingested any product that contains Xylitol then it’s very important that you call your veterinarian right away, or the Pet Poison Helpline (800-213-6680) immediately.
What Not To Do?
Unless you have been instructed to do so by your veterinarian or Pet Poison hotline DO NOT induce vomiting or give your dog anything to make them sick.
You must take your dog to your vet immediately to get treatment, as your dog may already be hypoglycemic and making them throw up what they have eaten, could make them even worse.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Yogurt?
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Yogurt? This is a difficult question to answer as there are a few factors that need to be taken into consideration.
A simple answer would be yes because Yogurt is a protein-rich food that can boost your dog’s digestive system, help with bone growth and can help with yeast infections.
But like a lot of foods make for humans they contain sweetener, which as we have previously explained can contain xylitol which can be lethal to dogs.
We would advise plain Yogurt rather than any flavored Yogurt’s that do not contain sweeteners for the best health of your dog. You may also need to consider if your dog is lactose intolerant, if so then avoid any products containing milk.
Can My Shih Tzu Drink Milk?
Can My Shih Tzu Drink Milk? Again, in the dog forums, there has been a lot of debate on whether you should give your dog milk. After all, humans drink milk, cats love milk but what about dogs?
The truth is dogs don’t really need to consume milk after being a puppy, on the contrary, it can actually have a negative effect on your dog’s stomach and cause diarrhea.
Now, if you want your dog to be able to consume lactose products like milk, start with a small portion at first and see how your dog reacts to it.
Be aware that every dog reacts differently and if you want to have your dog consume milk then try out a lactose-free product and see how your dog reacts to that.
Taking all that into consideration, lets look at the facts. A puppy needs milk from its mother in the first few months of its life, the mother’s milk is full of antibodies that will help your puppy to grow up as well as all the nutrients the milk contains to help the puppy grow strong.
However, a full-grown dog doesn’t really need milk, apart from the high amounts of protein and vitamin benefits your dog will get, and here is why.
Most dogs lack the enzymes in their stomach to break down the sugar from milk and are lactose intolerant to some degree, but all is not lost. If you want to give your dog milk, even though it is lactose intolerant there are products available that you can buy.
PetAg Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer is our product of choice.
PetAg Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer is a milk replacement product specially designed for puppies or growing dogs that require that extra protein but are intolerant to milk. It is made in the USA and is available from Amazon.com
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Ice Cream?
The main issue here is all that milk and sugar. since most adult animals are lactose intolerant, ice cream doesn’t really agree with our system.
So instead of feeling the pure joy you or I get from gulping down a bowl of ice cream, your pet gets diarrhea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues. Plus, all that sugar means unpleasant dental problems.
If you give your dog ice cream make sure it has no artificial sweeteners, the best thing if you do give them ice cream is to just stick to plain old vanilla.
Because there are many different flavors that could be toxic to your dogs especially chocolate, you don’t want to ever give your dog chocolate.
There is ice cream made especially for dogs, the ingredients are not that great in that ice cream actually natural plain vanilla ice cream has better ingredients than this doggie ice cream.
So ice cream on occasion is fine for your dog if you want to give them a special treat once in a while, but be aware that if they are lactose intolerant and they can’t digest the milk sugars it could cause gas and bloating.
No matter how much your dog or cat is trying to get some of your ice creams, don’t give in. After all, their health and well-being, it’s what’s most important here right?
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Macadamia Nuts?
Macadamia nuts can also be really bad for dogs. Sometimes, after a dog eats macadamia nuts, it can cause the body temperature to rise, a faster heartbeat, weakness, and vomiting. In the worst cases, it can even cause paralysis in dogs.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Grapes and Raisins?
Grapes and raisins are good for people, but they are not good for dogs. Grapes and raisins are bad for dogs because of fungicides, herbicides, or pesticides that dirty them. Other ways they may be harmful is because they have a lot of metal, vitamin D, and fungus or mold in them.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Avocados?
Avocado is another thing that should never be given to your dog. The compound persin, which can be found in avocados, upsets the stomach and is very bad for dogs.
Persin is found in the avocado fruit, and its plant and leaves. Also, the slippery pit can easily get stuck in your dog’s intestinal tract and cause pain because of the blockage. Your dog will need surgery to fix this problem.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Apple Cores?
The core and seeds of an apple have toxic cyanide, which can be bad for your pet. Cyanide stops blood from carrying oxygen through the body, and many bodily functions will stop if they don’t get the right amount of oxygen.
The poisonous apple core will cause a few things, like apprehension, dilated pupils, drooling, breathing problems, dizziness, collapse, seizures, hyperventilation, shock, and coma.
You can give your dog an apple as a treat, but only after taking out the seeds and core. Also, don’t give a rotten apple to your dog.
Can My Shih Tzu Drink Alcohol?
Do not give any kind of alcohol to your pets, and make sure your pet doesn’t lick up any spilled beer or whiskey. Alcohol can harm your dog’s liver and brain like it does to yours. But it’s worse for dogs because their organs are smaller than human organs.
Also, having alcohol can cause the blood sugar level of your pet to drop. This can be really harmful, and your pet will need to get glucose very quickly to stop brain damage. Very low blood sugar can cause seizures in animals.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Bacon?
You should never give raw or cooked bacon to your dog, even if he gives you puppy dog eyes. Cooked bacon is a very fatty food that can cause canine pancreatitis, which can cause death.
Fat trimmings, if they’re cooked or uncooked, can also cause this problem. Because bacon has a lot of calories, it can cause obesity, hypothyroidism, and cardiovascular disease.
Also, the high amount of salt found in bacon can lead to bloating. Bloating can cause a lot of gas in the stomach, which can be very harmful to your pet.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Wild Mushrooms?
Eating wild mushrooms is dangerous for dogs, although common white mushrooms seem safe for dogs to eat.
If eaten, wild mushrooms can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting, restlessness, diarrhea, convulsions, excessive urination, salivation, coma, or death.
If not treated right away, the toxins will gather in the body and can lead to kidney or liver failure. As with most poisonings, the best way to control the poison of mushrooms is not to take it in at all.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Onion?
Thankfully most cats and dogs will turn away from the pungent stench of an onion or garlic clove. If their uninformed owner offers it to them. But in case your pet is a walking garbage disposal, make sure it can’t get to these foods and of course never give them to your furry companion.
According to the pet poison helpline, a 24-hour Animal Poison Control Center, plants and vegetables in the onion family such as garlic, leeks, shallots, and chives to name a few contain propyl disulfide.
This chemical destroys an animal’s red blood cells causing anemia, which in severe cases can do serious damage to the internal organs.
The most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, and an increased heart rate. they usually appear within several days.
If you suspect that your pet has onion or garlic poisoning, take action and contact your vet immediately.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Lilies?
Although not a food, according to Dr. Justin Lee, a board-certified emergency critical care veterinary specialist and toxicologist, Lilies are extremely toxic to animals and can destroy their kidneys if consumed.
There are actually two types of Lilies out there, benign and dangerous ones. Benign Lilies include the piece Peruvian and calla varieties.
They pose less of a threat to your pet since they don’t come from the Lilium or her marrow callous families.
But that doesn’t mean they’re totally harmless, they can still irritate the mouth, tongue throat and esophagus.
If your pet suffers from benign Lily poisoning gives them something tasty like canned chicken broth to help flush the crystals out of their mouth and clear up these unpleasant symptoms.
And then there’s the other type of Lilies like tiger Lilies, day Lilies, Easter Lilies, red Lilies and many more.
They’re highly toxic and potentially fatal for your pet, especially cats. dangerous lilies can cause a loss of appetite, vomiting, excessive urinating, and increased salivation.
As with any case of poisoning the sooner you get your pet to the vet the better.
Lily poisoning is especially serious though, treatment usually requires three whole days of hospitalization.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Avocados?
Avocados have a ton of health benefits so you should definitely try to include them in your diet, the same can’t be said about your pets.
Avocados contain a fungicidal toxin called persin. According to the pet poison helpline, it has a mild level of toxicity, only targeting certain species.
Basic signs of person poisoning include gastrointestinal problems, trouble breathing and heart issues in both dogs and cats. Foreign body obstruction is another risk when it comes to avocados.
If your pet swallows the pit-hole it can get stuck in their esophagus, stomach or intestinal tract, so make sure that your pets have no access not only to Avocados
but also to piPs, you might have tossed in the trash.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Chocolate?
Everybody seems to know about the no chocolate rule for pets, so this one probably comes as no surprise. As for coffee, well I don’t know anybody that sits down to have their morning coffee alongside their cat or dog, but still, let’s talk about why your pets shouldn’t have either one.
According to the pet poison helpline caffeine can be anywhere for moderately to severely toxic to an animal.
It can cause elevated heart rate and body temperature, excessive urination dehydration, tremors, seizures and possibly death.
Chocolate has its fair share of awful consequences too, especially dark chocolate since it contains more theobromine. This is the substance that makes chocolate toxic to animals, so when people say their dog got chocolate poisoning it’s actually theobromine poisoning.
Its early symptoms include digestive issues, dehydration, and a slow heart rate, later stages of theobromine poisoning include seizures and even death.
Always keep chocolate out of your pet’s reach so that they won’t be tempted to try it.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Bones?
Dogs and bones are like macaroni and cheese, they just go hand in hand. We’re not saying you can’t give your dog a big juicy bone to chew on, in fact, you absolutely should.
Bones are a great source of minerals and nutrients for your canine companion, plus the act of chewing stimulates saliva enzymes which helps prevent gum disease and plaque buildup on the teeth. You just have to be careful which types of bones you’re going to give your dog.
According to the American Kennel Club, poultry bones like chicken or turkey, as well as pork bones and any cooked bones are strictly forbidden.
These types splinter into shards that can not only choke a dog but also do serious damage to its mouth, throat or intestines.

Most vets agree that raw meaty bones are okay, but you should still supervise your dog while it chews on one. Don’t let your dog chew on a bone for more than 15 minutes, after that put it in the fridge until the next time you give it to your pooch. Throw any raw bones away after three or four days.
Size is also important. The bones should be larger than the length of your dog’s muzzle, otherwise, it presents a choking hazard if swallowed whole.
Since any bone can break into dangerous shards when chewed on enough, a lot of dog owners feel it’s not worth the risk.
You can always give your pup high-quality nutrient-rich dog food good, dental shoes and regular teeth brushing to replace what bone chewing provides. But still, bones are not you should be doing all these things anyway.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Apples?
It might come as a surprise that’s something we humans should be eating once a day to keep the doctor away, can be bad for our pets. But alas, here it is on the blacklist.
It’s red apples in particular that are a no-no for your dog, because they can cause an allergic reaction and it’s not really the Apple itself that’s dangerous, it’s the seeds.
They contain cyanide which is perfectly safe for people in small doses, but extremely harmful for animals.
Vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration are the first signs of poisoning, and it’s not just apples though. You can find such seeds in cherries and apricots too.
If your pet ingests these cyanide filled seeds, take it to the vet immediately.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Tomatoes?
Tomatoes along with potatoes and eggplant contain a chemical compound called Solanine. It’s concentrated mostly in the green parts of these plants like the leaves and stem as well as in unripe vegetables.
While we humans are pretty much unscathed by it, our pets aren’t so much. If your dog has gotten into your tomato garden and ate what he shouldn’t, as they love to do, be on the lookout for signs of tomato poisoning.
They include digestive problems, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, tremors, and seizures.
One totally ripe tomato a week shouldn’t cause any harm to your pet, but it’s always best to ask your vet first just in case.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Grapes And Raisins?
To show you just how toxic these foods are for pets consider this, just half an ounce of grapes can poison a 10-pound dog and it’s all because of the negative effect grapes and raisins have on your animal’s kidneys.
Signs of poisoning include lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Don’t wait for it to clear up on its own, you’ve got to take your pet to the vet in case of food poisoning, of course, the best treatment is prevention.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Cheese?
Can My Shih Tzus Eat Cheese? The short answer is yes! Most of them can. In this last section, we’ll find out all about dogs and cheese including how different types of cheese might affect your dog.
Although many people believe cheese can be harmful, the truth is that most dogs can eat cheese but can dog have cheese daily? Are all kinds of cheese ok for dogs?
Cheese is a staple food item around the world produced from fermented milk, there are over a thousand different kinds of cheese originally invented as a way of keeping milk edible for longer. It’s now a favorite part of many diets and if we eat food sooner or later we want to give it to our dogs.
Cheese contains a surprising variety of vitamins and minerals because they’re both nutritional advantages and disadvantages to feeding your dog cheese, moderation is important. Cheese is a treat or reward or using cheese to hide a pale are appropriate ways to incorporate cheese into your dog’s diet.
Cheese contains calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin b12, phosphorus and zinc, all of these nutrients are essential to your dog’s health and well-being. Cheese also contains fat and
sodium which is important for your dog’s health, but too much of either can cause problems.
Dogs are evolutionarily speaking, quite recently descended from wolves. The vast majority of wolves energy comes from fat and protein, therefore your dog should not be negatively affected by a small amount of extra fat in his diet.
Cheese and Cheese based products are produced with humans in mind, we love the taste of salt so it often makes its way into cheese, unfortunately, just like in humans high amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure in dogs which could eventually lead to organ damage.
However, sodium is essential for your dog’s health and he probably gets an adequate supply from his regular dog food. While your dog’s sodium intake shouldn’t be limited in less directed by your vet it’s best to check the nutrition labels for sodium content and choose a cheese with modest sodium content.
When is Cheese Bad For Dogs?
The main concerns with cheese are its lactose content and the possibility of an allergic reaction. Is the lactose in cheese okay for dogs? How do you know if your dog is allergic to cheese?
Lactose is a sugar that occurs naturally in milk. Young mammals including dogs and humans produce enzyme lactase that enables them to digest lactose, most adult mammals don’t produce much lactase, this is because they can usually find their own food and don’t need their mother’s milk.
Given the above can dogs have cheese? Is cheese okay for dogs to eat in every circumstance? Yes, dogs can have cheese but no it’s not okay for all dogs.
Some dogs are lactose intolerant because they don’t produce the lactase enzyme necessary for its digestion. Other dogs may be allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk which may have an allergic reaction to cheese.
The fermentation process also called ripening that most cheeses go through removes most of the lactose so cheese contains far less of it than milk, therefore, cheese and small quantities are fine but it should not replace a meal.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Cottage Cheese?
Can my Shih Tze eat cottage cheese? Cottage cheese is unprocessed, it has a gloopy yogurt-like consistency, it’s also an unripened cheese so less lactose is removed in the fermentation process.
Lactose, as we’ve mentioned, can cause stomach upset in some dogs, while normal cottage cheese for dogs should be okay in small amounts.
Some brands of cottage cheese may be cut with milk, the addition of milk raises the lactose content considerably and could upset your dog’s stomach. Check the label and avoid feeding your dog cottage cheese with added milk, but is cottage cheese good for dogs?
Cottage cheese typically contains less sodium than harder cheese, which is a big plus. It also seems to be quite easy on the dog’s stomachs. A study on treating colitis in dogs used a diet that contained cottage cheese, among other things, and it resulted in no noticeable negative effects.
Unfortunately, cottage cheese is messier than other cheeses, it’s difficult to dish out in treat sized portions and unless you feed your dog from a spoon, this coupled with the risk of cottage cheese having added milk might rule this one out.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Cream Cheese?
Can My Shih Tze Eat Cream Cheese?. Cream cheeses and unripened cheese with a high lactose content, for cheese as the name suggests it contains cream which adds extra lactose and extra fat. It’s probably best to steer clear of this one, it’s messy and could upset your dog’s stomach, even if he tolerates other cheese as well.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat String Cheese?
Can My Shih Tze Eat String Cheese? string cheese is usually just mozzarella that’s been manipulated so that the proteins in the cheese are in straight lines. This causes the tearing effect associated with this type of snack.
String cheese and mozzarella generally doesn’t contain a great deal of salt or lactose, the only foreseeable problem with this type of cheese is that the stringiness could potentially cause your dog to have trouble swallowing, which makes it a choking hazard.
This is easily solved by cutting or breaking it into small chunks.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Swiss Cheese?
Can My Shih Tze Eat Swiss cheese? Swiss cheese is a hard ripened cheese with a nutty taste, the recognizable holes are caused by gas bubbles that form during fermentation. The lactose content in this cheese is quite low so it can be fed to dogs with relative safety. As with all cheese feed it in moderation and watch for any adverse reaction.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Parmesan Cheese?
Can My Shih Tze Eat Parmesan Cheese. Parmesan Cheese is a hard crumbly, cheese with a pungent odor. It’s low in lactose like other hard cheeses, however, it’s typically very high in sodium so it’s not a good cheese choice for your dog.
Dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than we do so it’s quite possible the odor would put them off anyway or entice them even more.
We’ve talked exclusively about cheeses made using cow’s milk but those aren’t the only kinds of cheese, let’s look at whether goat cheese ‘is appropriate for a dog.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Goat Cheese?
Can My Shih Tze Eat Goat Cheese? A study published in the Journal of biological chemistry found that goat’s milk generally contains slightly more lactose than cow’s milk.
The same is true for goat cheese, so approach it with the same caution as other dairy products. Goat cheese is usually quite expensive anyway, so it may not be the best choice for dog treats.
How Do I Know If My Dog Has Eaten Too Much Cheese?
Even if your dog isn’t lactose intolerant or allergic to milk cheese can be a problem. If your dog eats too much of it in the short term you’ll notice digestive changes that may include constipation, diarrhea, gas or vomiting.
If any of these happen to eliminate cheese from his diet and make sure he drinks plenty of water. Speak to your vet about your dog’s specific situation for treatment recommendations.
In the long term, too much cheese can lead to problems with obesity, high blood pressure, or pancreatitis. However, feeding cheese in small amounts does not contribute to the development of these issues.
Your dog’s nutritional needs can be easily met without including cheese in his diet, however, if you want to use it as a special treat for reward or to hide a pill in the nutrients he’ll receive are a fine complement to regular dog food.
It’s best to introduce any new food slowly, if your dog doesn’t react badly there’s no reason not to give him cheese on occasion, however, if your dog does react badly stop feeding him cheese and speak to your vet about his reaction.
Dogs can develop allergies at any time, so always keep an eye out for a change in behavior or toileting habits. When there’s a change in diet, symptoms of lactose intolerance or milk allergy include vomiting, gas, bloating diarrhea which may cause accidents.
Look for lower sodium options and other than cottage cheese stick to plain hard cheeses, cheddar and Swiss are good options. Please note that some ingredients commonly added to cheese can be toxic for dogs, so avoid any cheese with added ingredients, especially chives garlic or onion.
Of course the piece of cheese you feed your dog should be of a size and shape that won’t pose a choking hazard.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Rice?
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Rice? There’s a lot of bad press out there about Arsenic concentration and other contaminants in rice. And also there’s a big movement away from grains in general, both for humans and for animals, and so we often wonder is rice appropriate.
I’m here to tell you that rice is just fine for dogs and it’s just I believe it’s fine for people as well, where you need to be selective is where does that rice come from.
We want to make sure that it’s sourced from an area that is not commonly contaminated with arsenic and other contaminants, and that it’s also cooked and processed appropriately.
The rice snobs of the world will tell you well you should never eat white rice, brown rice is healthier but what’s the difference between brown rice and white rice? It’s the home that’s included on the brown rice, it’s higher in fiber but that does not mean that white rice is back per se.
It is higher in starch and lowe in fiber so that’s important to you then go for brown rice, but white rice in itself is not bad.
What many people are thinking sometimes is the bleached and over-processed white rice that may be devoid of practically all of its nutrients, before you’ve even cooked it, because of the way that it’s been processed.
So the solution is finding a high-quality, unbleached unprocessed rice, rinse it before cooking, cook it inadequate amounts of water. There are no problems with contamination definitely healthy definitely health benefits associated with it.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Eggs?
More and more people are beginning to prepare homemade food for their dogs, whether as a treat or for every meal as a common household ingredient. Many people might wonder if dogs can eat eggs if they can what are the best ways to prepare them.
Chicken eggs can be good for dogs, mainly due to their high protein content. With plenty of macro and micronutrients, they are very nutritious foodstuffs. They contain essential amino acids necessary for our dog’s survival.
These are amino acids that dogs cannot synthesize on their own, eggs also include healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. This is why eggs can be good for dogs since they help to maintain the central nervous system, their memory centers, and they provide antioxidants beneficial for visual health.
As an emulsifier and thickening agent, they can also make food more palatable for dogs. Many advocates of the barf diet for dogs, a diet utilizing raw food preparation claim the best way to offer eggs is raw, with the shell also included finely ground. They believe this maximizes mineral supply.
However, uncooked egg white contains a protein called avidin which acts as an anti-nutrient interfering with the absorption of biotin, vitamin H. Although a dog can digest raw egg better than we can, that would require a lot of egg to produce a biotin deficiency, it’s still advisable not to offer raw eggs to the dog.
One main reason for this is that raw egg and its shell can carry salmonella bacteria, to avoid contaminated eggs we recommend store at a temperature between 7 and 15 degrees Celsius, wash the shell thoroughly before breaking, avoid buying loose broken cracked or dirty eggs and as a precaution shell them in another container.
Our recommendation is to eliminate the risk of salmonellosis and ensure proper nutrient assimilation, choose cooked eggs for dogs. By cooking avidin is denatured making it more beneficial to the dog’s body, and still providing the aforementioned proteins and fats.
We can offer eggs as an omelet, scrambled or boiled. They can have them fried, but it’s better to avoid oil. These can all be prepared quickly, but never add salt to your dish as it is not recommended for dogs.
The dog is a carnivorous animal, therefore, its diet should be based on high-quality protein and fats. However, this does not mean we should base their diet on egg consumption, but we should offer them a very diet rich in different foods based on animal protein.
We can offer meat, boneless fish, or even a little kefir. let’s not forget there are many fruits and vegetables beneficial for dogs, we can use to help supplement the diet.
In general, healthy egg consumption for dogs is between one and two per week, although it will depend on the individual. The dog’s age, size, breed, and health status will mean they require a certain amount of type of nutrients.
If you’re considering making homemade food for your dog it’s essential you consult your veterinarian first. They will advise you in the best way to prepare food for your particular dog, as well as give general help in terms of their dietary needs.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Eat Tuna?
Can my Shih Tze eat tuna? There are many doubts about whether or not dogs should eat other types of food, such as fresh tuna or canned tuna. Do not be fooled dogs, can eat almost all kinds of fresh foods, including of course tuna, either fresh or canned.
This type of fish will provide them with a lot of top quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals as well as beneficial fatty oils like Omega.
Dogs can eat tuna at a general level, although how in everything in the amount is the secret so that they feel good and take advantage of all their nutrients, or that they feel bad and have intestinal problems such as diarrhea.
The first thing we need to know is what kind of tuna is the most recommended for our dog? Our dog can eat fresh tuna without spines, lightly grilled with a little olive oil or boiled in water. Our dog can also eat canned tuna, although we must make sure that the tuna is preserved in olive oil, in sunflower oil or that it is tuna in water.
However, we should never give our dog fresh tuna with thorns, they could stay stuck in his mouth or throat and we should not use canned tuna and pickle or other substances not mentioned above.
The best way to give tuna to a dog is by adding it to their daily meal. You can open a can of tuna in oil and remove the oil completely when the tuna is cleaned with hardly any oil we can add it to your dog’s food.
For a dog of about 15 or 20 kilos we can use a small can a couple of times a week, a larger dog can take a little more. If you find that the tuna is upsetting your dog’s stomach then cut back on the amount you give them.
Tuna will provide our dog with a lot of high-quality proteins, it will also provide a healthy dose of healthy unsaturated fats such as omega-3, and omega-6 which will help improve the dog’s heart system, lower cholesterol levels and improve the health of his skin and their coat.
Tuna preserved in oil is the most widely used, although any type of tuna provides the same benefits.
Can My Shih Tzu Eat Vegetables?
If your a dog owner chances are you want to share some of your food with your pooch, table scraps aren’t a good idea, where fruits and vegetables better moderation can be safe so here’s a list of 15 of them you can feed your furry best friend.
Bananas – Bananas have potassium fiber vitamins and fowling, they’re high in sugars so don’t give your dogs too much
Blueberries – This fruit has high concentrations of antioxidants, plus it’s fun to watch your pooch catch them in your mouth.
Brussels Sprout – These little green vegetables are chock full of vitamin C and A2 manganese and fiber, don’t let your pup chow down on too many or you’re going to have to deal with gas.
Broccoli – This vegetable can boost immunity, but beware of the heads can be dangerous for your dog. They can upset the digestive system and give them lots of gas, so feed him in moderation and try to stick to the storks.
Cantaloupe – This orange melon is an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, cut them into doggy bite-sized pieces. It’s high in sugar so don’t give your dog too much.
Celery – The benefits are high with this low-calorie vegetable, celery has vitamins A, B and C, and phosphorus among other benefits. The crunch also helps freshen your dog’s breath.
Cucumbers – Low in carbs and high in nutrients, cucumbers are good snacks for Puppies who are overweight or looking to stay in shape.
Carrot – These crunchy vegetables are great for eyesight, plus they can help clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath.
Green beans – They’re high in fiber vitamins and are low in calories, your pups will enjoy them in any form.
Peas – They are an excellent source of fiber proteins and vitamins, watch out for frozen ones that come with sodium. You don’t want your best friend digesting too much salt.
Pumpkin – This vegetable is high in fiber, which can alleviate diarrhea and constipation. The easiest way for you to give some to your best friend is to scoop out some canned pumpkin, just make sure it’s plain not mixed with spices.
Sweet Potato – Full of vitamins fiber and minerals and tasty. Sweet potatoes should be given to your dog in small pieces after they’ve been cooked.
Watermelon – Watermelon is full of water and vitamins, which makes it the ideal summer snack for your furry pals. Just watch out for the rind and seeds.
Strawberries – This yummy berry has fiber antioxidants and lots of vitamin C. it’s best to cut the berries into small pieces when you feed them to your dog.
Just keep in mind that animal researchers are divided on whether dogs actually need fruits and vegetables in their diet.
The Shih Tzu is a great dog to look after and you are in luck because when it comes to a healthy diet there isn’t much you need to exclude from their diet.
However, smaller toy dogs like the Shih Tze need lots of protein in their diet that is high in calories but low in volume. The reason for that is because they have a smaller stomach than larger dogs so burn calories much faster.
If you are going to buy food in a box you need to make sure that it is high in protein which can be found in meat and fish, and then there is the question can Shih Tzus eat wet food or should you feed them dry?
Wet vs Dry Dog Food?
This topic is one that is much debated in dog forums. Lots of dog owners that dry food is the best because it’s healthy for their teeth and that wet food can cause dental problems for your dog.
However, this myth has been dispelled because, in reality, you can feed your dog either wet or dry food with little or no impact on your dog’s dental health. (Note: if you feed your dog dry food make sure there is plenty of water available at all times).
One thing I would note is that no matter which type of food you try whether it’s wet or dry it’s important to keep up with your dog’s dental health with a regular brush their teeth and also give then a chew toy or dental stick to chew on.
How often Should My Shih Tzu Eat?
Feeding your dog their normal meals and snacks can make your dog put weight on so it’s important to keep an eye on their weight.
The Shih Tzu breed is prone to getting obese and this can quickly sneak up on you if you are not careful so it’s important not to feed your dog too much or too often.
A recommended amount of food for the first six months of a Shih Tzu puppies life would be half an ounce of food per pound of body weight three times per day as they are more active than older dogs, after six months two meals per day is OK.
Are Shih Tzu’s Fussy Eaters?
Shih Tzu’s can be unpredictable when it comes to their diet. They don’t each much at each meal like biggest dogs because of their smaller stomachs so they need the high-calorie high protein diet.
When they have finished their meal it might seem like they haven’t eaten enough, and if you feel that is the case then you can give your dog treats in between meals but be careful you don’t overdo it as you don’t want your dog getting overweight.
It’s important you don’t feed your dog to many calories if you do that your dog is increasing its weight and you still want to give your dog snacks then cut back on the amount of food you give your dog at mealtimes.
You will find in many cases that your dog doesn’t need as much at mealtimes anyway, it’s getting the balance right that matters to keep your dog healthy. A normal Shih Tzu will weigh between ten to sixteen pounds so keep an eye out to keep them healthy.
Do you know any other foods that are harmful to dogs? Since this is really important information to get out there be sure to share this page with everyone you know.